Guglielmo Marconi: Inventor of Radio (1874-1937)

Guglielmo Marconi: Inventor of Radio (1874-1937) Most people think of radio as something they listen to at home or in the car, but the u...

Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor of Kevlar

Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor of Kevlar Sometimes when a scientist makes a discovery, its nature and usefulness are not immediately clear. T...

Albert Calmette: Inventor of The Tuberculosis Vaccine

Albert Calmette was born in Nice, France, on July 12, 1863. He had two brothers, one of whom became an army physician, and the other, a jo...

Hans Lippershey: Inventor of The Telescope (1570-1619)

Hans Lippershey: Inventor of The Telescope (1570-1619) Hans Lippershey is often credited with inventing the telescope because he was the...